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Here you can find various information on the results of the TERA-2018 conference:
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The conference will be held in the form of plenary (40 min), keynote (30 min), invited (20 min) and contributed (15 min) talks as well as poster session on the following topics:
The following events will be held during the TERA - 2018 conference:
Sec. | Name | Insitution/Country | Paper Title | Type |
Sec. | Name | Institution/Country | Paper Title | Type |
![]() | Nikolay A. Vinokurov | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia | Generating High Power Terahertz and Far Infrared Electromagnetic Radiation with Relativistic Electrons | Plenary |
![]() | Gun-Sik Park | Seoul National University / South Korea | Investigations of hydration dynamics in biomedical systems using terahertz waves | Plenary |
![]() | Andrew K. Martusevich1, Alexander V. Kostrov2 | 1Research Medical University of Volga region; 2Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Nizhny Novgorod, Russia | Biomedical applications of microwave radiation: innovative approaches | Plenary |
![]() | Stelios Tzortzakis | Texas A&M University at Qatar & FORTH, Greece | Extreme THz fields from near and mid-infrared laser filaments | Plenary |
![]() | Chi Kuang Sun | National Taiwan University / Taiwan | Femtosecond Acoustics and Terahertz Ultrasonics | Plenary |
![]() | Alessandro Tredicucci | Università di Pisa, Pisa / Italy | Terahertz quantum cascade lasers: what way forward? | Plenary |
![]() | Steffen Neidhardt, Steffen Heuel, Tobias Koeppel, Sherif Ahmed | Rohde & Schwarz, Munich / Germany | Measurement of radome material for 77/79 GHz automotive radar integration | Plenary |
![]() | Dmitry R. Khokhlov | Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia; P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute, Moscow, Russia | Terahertz probing of topological surface electron states | Plenary |
![]() | Efim A. Khazanov | Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod / Russia | Ultra-high-power-lasers Nobel prize 2018 and related research at IAP RAS | Plenary |
Special | Young Uk Jeong | Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Daejeon / South Korea | Ultrafast THz-pump & Electron-probe Facility at KAERI | Keynote |
Special | Oleg. A. Shevchenko | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS, Novosibirsk / Russia | Novosibirsk free electron laser facility | Keynote |
Special | M.Glyavin, G.Denisov, E.Khazanov | Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod / Russia | From millimeter to microns - IAP RAS powerful sources for various applications | Keynote |
Special | Boris A. Knyazev | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk / Russia | Recent experiments at NovoFEL user stations | Keynote |
Special | Harald Schneider | Institute of Ion-Beam Physics and Materials Research, Dresden / Germany | THz science at FELBE | Keynote |
Special | G.P.Gallerano, S.Ceccuzzi, A.Doria, E.Giovenale, G.L.Ravera, M.Zerbini, G.Galatola-Teka | ENEA-Frascati, Italy | Terahertz and mm-wave applications at ENEA-Frascati | Keynote |
S01 | Andrey Vasil'evich Arzhannikov | 1-Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, Russia; 2 - Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia | High power THz-range Wave generation based on Transformation of Plasma Waves Pumped by High-current Relativistic Electron Beam | Oral |
S01 | Vladimir L'vovich Bratman | 1-Institute of Applied Physics of RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2-Ariel University, Ariel, Israel | Prospective THz gyrotrons for high-field magneto-resonance spectroscopy | Oral |
S01 | Andrea Doria | ENEA / Italy | Novel Schemes for Compact FELs in the THz Region: ENEA Experience and Perspectives | Oral / Invited |
S01 | Andrey Dmitrievich Grigoriev | St. Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" / Russia | Problems of amplifier klystron advancing into terahertz band | Oral |
S01 | Kseniya Leshcheva | Nizhny Novgorod State University / Россия | Electron-optics systems with decreased life-time of trapped electrons for terahertz band gyrotrons | Oral |
S01 | Evgenee Anatol`evich Myasin | Fryazino branch of theKotel’nikov Instityte of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS / Russia | SUBTHZ OROTRON WITH ONE AND TWO ELECTRON BEAMS | Oral |
S01 | Andrey L. Pankratov | Institute for Physics of Microstructures of Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | Thermal regimes and THz generation from BSCCO mesas | Oral |
S01 | Gun-Sik Park | Seoul National University / South Korea | THz generation from high-Q Fano metallic metamaterial | Oral / Invited |
S01 | Pascale Roy | Synchrotron SOLEIL / France | Oral / Invited | |
S01 | Tobias Ruess | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology / Germany | Towards Fully Automated Systems for the Generation of Very High Order Modes in Oversized Waveguides | Oral |
S01 | Nikita M. Ryskin | Saratov Branch, V.A. Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS / Russia | Development and modeling of miniaturized traveling-wave tubes in millimeter and sub-THz band | Oral |
S01 | Andrei Savilov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod | THz radiation of stabilized dense electron bunches | Oral |
S01 | Dmitry I. Sobolev | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | 3D printed periodic structures for subterahertz sources | Oral |
S01 | Yoshinori Tatematsu | University of Fukui / Japan | Recent progress in development and application of sub-THz gyrotrons in University of Fukui | Oral / Invited |
S01 | Alexander Anatolievich Vikharev | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Generation of powerful subterahertz superradiance pulses for high gradient acceleration of charged particles | Oral |
S01 | Vladislav Yurievich Zaslavsky | Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS) / Russia | Terahertz-Range Gyrodevices of Planar Geometry | Oral |
S01 | Nikolai Yu. Peskov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Development of powerful long-pulse Bragg FELs operating from sub-THz to THz bands based on linear induction accelerators: recent results and projects | Oral |
S01 | Naum Ginzburg | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Generation of Sub-Terahertz Surface Waves by Relativistic Electron Beams: Quasioptical Theory, Simulations and Experiments | Oral |
S01 | Vladimir Evgenjevich Zapevalov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Various types of echelette resonators for gyrotrons | Poster |
S01 | Olgierd Dumbrajs | Institute of Solid State Physics University of Latvia / Latvia | Possible gyrotron operation in the 'no start current' zone | Oral |
S01 | Roman A. Shaposhnikov | Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod / Russian Federation | Gyrotron mm-wave radiation for dense plasma fluxes production from ECR discharge in a single solenoid | Poster |
S01 | Nikita Pristupchik | JSC “RPC “Istok” n.a. Shokin” / Russia | Design and process flow of the buried-emitter cathode for a low-power terahertz BWO | Poster |
S01 | Vladislav A. Tsarev | Yuri Gagarin Saratov State Technical University, Saratov / Russia | Quasi-fractal PBG structures for Multi-Beam Devices | Oral |
S10 | Olga Pavlovna Cherkasova | 1-Institute of Laser Physics of SB RAS, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia; 2-Tomsk State University, Tomsk, 634050, Russia | Study of blood and its components by terahertz pulsed spectroscopy | Oral / Invited |
S10 | Nikita Viktorovich Chernomyrdin | Bauman Moscow State Technical University / Russia | Biomedical applications of terahertz solid immersion microscopy | Oral |
S10 | Vasyl Denysenkov | Goethe University Frankfurt / Germany | DNP APPLICATIONS AT 9.4 TESLA BY USING TERAHERTZ IRRADIATION | Oral |
S10 | Yury Vladimirovich Kistenev | Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia | Applications of THz laser spectroscopy and machine learning for medical diagnostics | Oral / Invited |
S10 | Ilya Ozheredov | Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia | Application of THz radiation for in situ control of eye cornea hydration level | Oral / Invited |
S10 | Alla Georgievna Polyakova | Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation / Russia | The mechanism of action of microwave radiation on the parameters of homeostasis in living systems | Oral |
S10 | Andrei V. Postnikov | LCP-A2MC, Jean Barriol Institute, University of Lorraine / France | A device to inspect a skin cancer tumour in the terahertz range, transferring the image into the infrared | Oral |
S10 | Olga A. Smolyanskaya | ITMO University, Saint-Petersburg 199004, Russia | Complex study of interaction of terahertz radiation with bio-like objects: theoretical and numerical modelling, real objects and phantom experiments | Oral / Invited |
S10 | Vladimir Vaks | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | High resolution terahertz spectroscopy for medical, biological and agricultural applications | Oral / Invited |
S10 | Kirill Zaytsev | Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS (GPI RAS) / Russia | Intraoperative diagnosis of malignant brain gliomas using terahertz pulsed spectroscopy and optical coherence tomography | Oral / Invited |
S10 | Maxim Michailovich Nazarov | NRC Kurchatov Institute / Russia | Solutions spectroscopy in the extended THz frequency range | Oral / Invited |
S10 | Mikhail K. Khodzitsky | ITMO University / Russia | THz time-domain spectroscopy for non-invasive assessment of water content in biological samples | Oral |
S10 | Vladimir Evgenjevich Zapevalov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod | High-power microwaves against locusts and other harmful animals | Oral |
S10 | Sergey Evgenievich Peltek | Institute of Cytology and Genetics SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Russia | Nonthermal impact of terahertz (THz) radiation on living systems | Oral |
S02 | Vladimir Izyaslavovich Gavrilenko | Institute for Physics of Microstructures / Russia | THz stimulated emission at interband transitions in HgTe/CdHgTe quantum wells | Oral / Invited |
S02 | Yenchieh Huang | National Tsinghua University / Taiwan | Off-axis THz parametric oscillator | Oral |
S02 | Nickolay Vadimovich Kinev | Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics of RAS / Russia | Wideband Josephson THz flux-flow oscillator integrated with the slot lens antenna and the harmonic mixer | Oral |
S02 | Alexander M. Klushin | IPM RAS / Russia | Evidence of synchronization of large Josephson-junction arrays by traveling electromagnetic waves | Oral |
S02 | Vladislav Kurin | Institute for physics of microstructures RAS / Russia | Active Josephson traveling wave antennae as prospective terahertz oscillators | Oral |
S02 | Gaël MOURET | Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale / France | Frequency comb for THz metrology | Oral |
S02 | Dmitry Sergeevich Ponomarev | Institute of Ultra High Frequency Semiconductor Electronics RAS / Russia | Plasmonic terahertz antennas with high-aspect ratio metal gratings | Oral |
S02 | Viktor Ustinov | Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute RAS, St Petersburg, Russia / Russia | Molecular beam epitaxial growth of semiconductor heterostructures for THz electronics | Oral / Keynote |
S02 | Valery Shastin | Institute for Physics of Microstructures,Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | Terahertz lasers based on donor intracenter transitions in silicon. | Oral / Invited |
S02 | Edik Rafailov | Aston University / United Kingdom | Towards efficient and tunable generation of THz radiation from quantum dot based ultrafast photoconductive antennae. | Oral / Invited |
S02 | Igor Ilyakov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia; Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden / Germany | Continuously Tunable Spintronic Emission in the sub-THz Range | Poster |
S03 | Sergey Bodrov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | A modified tilted-pulse-front excitation scheme for efficient terahertz generation in LiNbO3 | Oral |
S03 | Andrey Brantov | P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS / Russia | Laser induced THz Sommerfeld waves along metal wire. | Oral |
S03 | Pavel Alekseevich Chizhov | General Physics Institute RAS / Russia | Modulation of two-color laser-induced filament terahertz emission by effective length variation. | Oral |
S03 | Kodo Kawase | Nagoya University / Japan | Multi wavelength injection-seeded THz parametric system | Oral / Invited |
S03 | Andrey Kuratov | Center of Fundamental and Applied Research, VNIIA / Russia | Plasma mechanisms of terahertz electromagnetic wave generation due to intense laser-plasma interaction | Oral |
S03 | Ivan V. Oladyshkin | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Role of surface plasmons in laser-induced THz generation from metals | Oral |
S03 | Tsuneyuki Ozaki | Institut national de la recherche scientifique, Quebec / Canada | THz nonlinear optics in the sub-cycle regime | Oral / Keynote |
S03 | Alexander Popov | Srobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University / Russia | New Approach to Generation and Amplification of the THz Radiation in Plasma Created by Intense Two-Color Laser Fields | Oral / Invited |
S03 | Fabian Rotermund | KAIST / South Korea | THz nonlinear photonics: generation and applications | Oral / Invited |
S03 | Alexander A. Silaev | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Laser-plasma generation of tunable ultrashort pulses in terahertz and mid-infrared ranges | Oral |
S03 | Stefan Skupin | Institut Lumière Matière, Université Lyon 1 - CNRS / France | Resonant Effects in Terahertz Generation with Laser-Induced Gas Plasmas | Oral / Invited |
S03 | Sergey Stremoukhov | National Research Centre “Kurchatov Institute” / Russia | Terahertz radiation in two-color laser fields: from single atom to extended gas response | Oral |
S03 | Aleksandr Ushakov | A.M. Prokhorov General Physics Institute / Russia | Backward terahertz emission from two-color laser induced plasma spark | Oral |
S03 | Abel Woldegeorgis | Helmholtz-Institut Jena / Germany | Generation of sub GV/m longitudinal terahertz electric fields from intense laser-solid density plasma interactions | Oral |
S03 | Dongwen Zhang | National University of Defense Technology, Changsha / China | Coherent multichannel dynamics of aligned molecules resolved by two dimensional high-harmonic and terahertz spectroscopy (2D-HATS) | Oral / Invited |
S03 | Matteo Clerici | University of Glasgow / UK | Broadband THz generation and detection | Oral / Invited |
S03 | Olga Kosareva | Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russia | Terahertz generation from single and multiple filaments in air | Oral / Invited |
S03 | Alexander Shkurinov | Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russia | Terahertz Wave Generation from Liquied Gas | Oral / Invited |
S03 | Igor O. Kinyaevskiy | P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow / Russia | CO laser down-conversion into the THz range with ZnGeP2 crystal | Oral |
S03 | Yury M. Klimachev | P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow / Russia | THz sources based on frequency conversion of multi-line molecular lasers in nonlinear crystals and on optically pumped molecular lasers | Oral |
S04 | Alexander Alexandrovich Andronov | Insitute for Physics of Microstructures RAS / Russia | Bloch and Wannier-Stark THz emissions in superlattices: rival of Quantum Cascade Laser? | Oral |
S04 | Rostislav M. Arkhipov | St. Petersburg State University / Russia | Generation of ultra-short pulses via self-induced transparency mode-locking regime in lasers | Oral / Invited |
S04 | Andrey V. Babichev | Connector Optics LLC, Moscow / Russia | Quantum-cascade lasers of mid-IR spectral range: epitaxy, diagnostics and device characteristics | Oral / Invited |
S04 | Alexei N Baranov | IES, University of Montpellier / France | Long wavelength InAs-based quantum cascade lasers. | Oral / Keynote |
S04 | Rustam Khabibullin | V.G. Mokerov Institute of ultra high frequency semiconductor electronics of RAS / Russia | Terahertz quantum cascade laser with silver- and gold-based waveguide | Oral / Invited |
S04 | Andrey Khudchenko | University of Groningen / NOVA / Netherlands | Phase-locking Techniques for THz Quantum Cascade Lasers | Oral / Invited |
S04 | Yury Lobanov | Moscow State Pedagogical University / Russia | Characterization of the THz QCL Using Fast Superconducting Hot Electron Bolometer | Oral |
S04 | Kirill Maremyanin | Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS / Russia | Investigation of the emission spectra of pulsed THz quantum cascade lasers and their use for magnetospectroscopy of semiconductors | Oral |
S04 | Maxim Nazarov | Kurchatov Institute / Russia | Polymer waveguides for THz QCL radiation delivery and filtering | Oral / Invited |
S04 | Ivan S Vasil'evskii | National Research Nuclear University MEPhI / Russia | Temporal stability and absolute composition issues in molecular beam epitaxy of AlGaAs/GaAs THz QCL | Oral |
S04 | Fedor Zubov | St Petersburg National Research Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Россия | 3 THz quantum-cascade laser with metallic waveguide based on resonant-phonon depopulation scheme | Oral |
S04 | Luigi Consolino | CNR-INO, Firenze / Italy | Metrological-grade THz radiation | Oral / Invited |
S05 | Anna Bogatskaya | Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow State University / Russia | Optical-mechanical analogy approach for the purposes of detection of IR-MW radiation | Oral |
S05 | Igor Ilyakov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia; Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden / Germany | Terahertz Electro-Optic Sampling in Crystals with High Natural Birefringence | Oral |
S05 | Andrey Khudchenko | University of Groningen / NOVA / Netherlands | Sideband Separating SIS receiver for 650 GHz developed by NOVA | Oral |
S05 | Galiya Khasanovna Kitaeva | Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russia | Optical – terahertz biphotons | Oral / Invited |
S05 | Valery Koshelets | Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS, Moscow / Russia | Low-noise THz-range SIS Receivers for Ground-based and Space Radio Astronomy | Oral |
S05 | Leonid Sergeevicn Kuzmin | Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev / Russia | Efficient Electron Self-Cooling in Cold-Electron Bolometers | Oral |
S05 | Alexander Mamrashev | Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS / Russia | Terahertz time-domain spectrometer with precision delay line encoder | Oral |
S05 | Kirill Rudakov | Kapteyn Astronomical Institute | Superconducting thin-film THz structures development based on SIS junctions | Oral |
S05 | Alexander Sergeevich Sobolev | Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS, Moscow / Russia | Wideband metamaterial-based array of SINIS bolometers | Oral |
S05 | Vyacheslav Vdovin | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Arrays of annular antennas with SINIS bolometers for SubTHz radioastronomy | Oral |
S05 | Ivan Vladimirovich Andreev | MWAVE LLC, Moscow / Russia | Imaging of powerful terahertz beams | Oral |
S06 | Robin Bocquet | University of Littoral / France | Developments on a 200 GHz chirped pulse experiment at Dunkerque | Oral / Invited |
S06 | Sergey Bodrov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Terahertz induced optical second harmonic generation from dielectric interfaces: mechanism and application | Oral |
S06 | Alexander Boris | Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research / Germany | Exploring in-gap excitations in high-Tc superconducting films by THz and infrared spectroscopy | Oral / Invited |
S06 | Evgeniy N. Chesnokov | ICK&C SB RAS / Russia | The first observation of the free induction signals of OH radicals in the terahertz region | Oral / Invited |
S06 | Marat Gafurov | Kazan Federal University / Russia | Coherent control of electron-nuclear states of rare-earth ions in crystals using radio-frequency and microwave radiation. | Oral |
S06 | Mikhail K. Khodzitsky | ITMO University / Russia | Optically tunable dielectric properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes for terahertz wave applications | Oral |
S06 | Maksim Koshelev | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Accurate broadband THz molecular spectroscopy | Oral |
S06 | Konstantin Aleksandrovich Motovilov | Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny, Russia / Russia | Water and conductivity in bioorganic materials: complicated interplay | Oral / Invited |
S06 | Alexey Nikitin | Scientific and Technological Center of Unique Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | Terahertz plasmonics: achievements and prospects | Oral / Invited |
S06 | Nazar Nikolaev | Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS / Russia | Angle-Susceptible Sensing Metasurface in Terahertz Regime | Oral |
S06 | Tatyana Anatol'evna Odintsova | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Far IR continuum absorption of H216O and H218O | Oral |
S06 | Viacheslav Valentinovich Popov | Saratov Branch of the Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengeneering and Electronics of RAS / Россия | Terahertz plasmonic photocurrents in graphene nanostructures | Oral |
S06 | Oleg Iosifovich Potaturkin | Institute of Automation and Electrometry SB RAS / Russia | Oxide nonlinear crystals: optical properties and phase-matching for terahertz wave generation | Oral / Invited |
S06 | Leonid Surin | Institute for Spectroscopy RAS, Troitsk, Moscow / Russia | Millimeter-wave spectroscopy of weakly bound molecular complexes and small clusters | Oral / Invited |
S06 | Alexander Tsvetkov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Recent results on THz gyrotron-based molecular spectroscopy | Oral |
S06 | Elena S Zhukova | Moscow Institue of Physics and Technology / Russia | H2O molecules hosted by a crystalline matrix – new state of water. | Oral / Invited |
S06 | Evgeny Aleksandrovich Serov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Dielectrics for output windows of medium power gyrotrons | Oral |
S06 | Mikhail Pavlovich Bezhko | Keysight Technologies / Russia | Dielectric and Magnetic Material Characterization Techniques up to 1,5 THz | Oral |
S06 | Dmitry Khokhlov | M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russia | PT-symmetric terahertz photoconductivity in Hg1-xCdxTe zero-gap semiconductors | Oral |
S07 | Oleg Vladimirovich Chefonov | Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | INTERACTION OF HIGH-POWER TERAHERTZ RADIATION WITH METALLIC FILMS | Oral |
S07 | Sergei Arkadevich Kozlov | ITMO University / Russia | Disappearance of Self-Focusing for Few-Cycle THz Pulses | Oral / Invited |
S07 | Maria Krikunova | Fysikální úELI-Beamlines, Za Radnicí 835, 252 41 Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic / Germany | Ultrafast multi-electron dynamics studied with THz-field streaking | Oral |
S07 | Vitaly Kubarev | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics / Russia | Experiments using extreme parameters of NovoFEL radiation | Oral / Invited |
S07 | Evgeny A. Mashkovich | Radboud University, Nijmegen / The Netherlands | Terahertz induced magnetization dynamic in a weak ferromagnet FeBO3 | Oral |
S07 | Vladimir S. Pavelyev | Samara National Research University / Russia | Terahertz optical elements for control of high-power laser irradiation | Oral / Keynote |
S07 | Sergey Pavlov | Institute of Optical Sensor Systems, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin / Germany | Challenges of Raman scattering at THz frequencies | Oral |
S07 | Andrey Savel’ev | Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russia | Nonlinear Transfer of Intense Few Cycle Terahertz Pulse Through Opaque semiconductors | Oral / Invited |
S07 | Roman Kh. Zhukavin | IPM RAS / Russia | Relaxation of Coulomb states in semiconductors probed by FEL radiation | Oral |
S08 | Irina Dolganova | Bauman Moscow State Technical University / Russia | Impact of Scattering in Quasi-Ordered Structures on THz Imaging | Oral |
S08 | Weiwei Liu | Institute of Modern optics, Nankai University / China | Subwavelength resolution THz imaging by femtosecond laser filament | Oral / Invited |
S08 | Andrew Kimovich Martusevich | Research Medical University of Volga region / Russia | Comparative study of dielectric properties of the skin of human and laboratory animals | Oral |
S09 | Andrew Angeluts | Faculty of Physics M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russia | IInfluence of pollution and extraneous inclusions on the scattering of THz radiation by fabric | Oral |
S09 | Yulia Choporova | Budker institute of nuclear physics / Russia | Measuring the topological charge of vortices with diffraction and interference tecniques | Oral |
S09 | Dmitrii Pavelev | Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod / Russia | Devices and system based on quantum semiconductor superlattices for the frequency range 0.1-10 THz. | Oral |
S09 | Leonid Aleksandrovich Skvortsov | JSC "Polyus Research Institute of M.F. Stelmakh", Moscow / Russia | The concept of construction of inspection systems based on quantum-cascade lasers | Oral |
S09 | Vyacheslav Trofimov | South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China; Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia | Detection and identification of a substance with an inhomogeneous surface using the effective time-dependent THz spectroscopy method and emission frequency up-conversion | Oral / Invited |
S09 | Alexander Tsvetkov | Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhniy Novgorod / Russia | Using a gyrotron as a source of modulated radiation for data transmission systems in the terahertz range | Oral |
S09 | Patrick Mounaix | Bordeaux University / France | Submillimeter wave Tomography and image processing advances : Applications additive manufacturing quality control | Oral / Invited |
S01 | Asel Bulatovna Adilova | Saratov State University / Russia | Study of mutual phase locking of two gyrotrons coupled with delay | Poster |
S01 | Alexander Andronov | Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS / Russia | Proposed Gyrotrons and FELs frequency distributed multiplication | Poster |
S01 | Artem Aleksandrovich Badarin | Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov / Russia | Double-Beam Millimeter-Wave Band BWT And TWT On A Spirally Bent Rectangular Waveguide | Poster |
S01 | Mikhail Vladimirovich Morozkin | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | Development of the prototype of high power sub-THz gyrotron for advanced fusion power plant (DEMO) | Poster |
S01 | Roman Rozental | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | Rogue-waves generation in the terahertz region | Poster |
S01 | Roman Rozental | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | Gyrotrons with shortened cavities as tunable sources of powerful subterahertz radiation for spectroscopic applications | Poster |
S01 | Andrei Savilov | Institute of Applied Physics of Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, 603950 Russia | High-harmonic gyrotrons with irregular microwave systems | Poster |
S01 | Andrey Sergeevich Zuev | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | The third harmonic medium power W-band gyrorton for various applications | Poster |
S01 | Evgenee Anatol`evich Myasin | Fryazino branch of theKotel’nikov Instityte of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS / Russian Federation | "UNKNOWN PECULIARITY OF THE OROTRON TWO ROW PERIODIC STRUCTURE " | Poster |
S01 | Leonid Sergeevich Revin | Institute for Physics of Microstructures of Russian Academy of Sciences / Nizhny Novgorod | YBa2Cu3O7−δ Josephson generators fabricated by preliminary topology masks | Poster |
S01 | Michael Nikolaevich Vilkov | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russian Federation | Generation of Ultrashort Microwave Pulses in Passive Mode-Locked Electron Oscillators with Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Line Broadening | Poster |
S01 | Roman M Rozental | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Россия | Generation of Ultra-Short Microwave Pulses in a Tunable Gyrotron with Subsequent Compression | Poster |
S01 | Andrey Fokin | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | Frequency control in subterahertz gyrotrons | Poster |
S01 | Alexey Fedotov | Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | Design of three-mirror open cavity for 250-GHz cyclotron autoresonance maser project | Poster |
S01 | Alexey Fedotov | Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | Design of medium-power W-band traveling-wave tube and backward-wave oscillator with sheet electron beam | Poster |
S01 | Igor Davidyuk | Budker INP / Russia | Fast magnetic measurements of 8.6 m undulator | Poster |
S01 | Vladislav Yurievich Zaslavsky | Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS) / Russian Federation | Powerful surface-wave oscillators with one-dimensional and two-dimensional periodic planar structures | Poster |
S02 | Miron Solomonovich Kagan | V.A. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics / Russia | Electronic Tunneling and Electric Domains in GaAs/AlAs Superlattices at Room Temperature | Poster |
S02 | Stanislav Konstantinovich Paprotsky | V.A. Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics / Russia | High Photoconductivity in Heavily Doped GaAs/AlAs Superlattices with Electric Domains | Poster |
S02 | Maxim L. Kulygin | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | Long-Pulsed Modulation Regimes of Subterahertz Nanosecond Waveguide Switches | Poster |
S02 | Andrey Alexandrovich Leontyev | Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russian Federation | Photoconductive antennas based on epitaxial films InGaAs on GaAs (111)A and (100) substrates with a metamorphic buffer. | Poster |
S02 | Nikolai Yu. Peskov | IAP RAS / Russia | Theoretical and experimental studies of dielectric two-dimensional Bragg structures for development of spatially-extended heterolasers | Poster |
S02 | Vladimir V. Rumyantsev | IAP RAS / Russia | Terahertz frequency multipliers employing lattice nonlinearity in semiconductors | Poster |
S03 | Alexander A. Frolov | Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | The dipole mechanism of terahertz waves emission under laser action on clasters | Poster |
S03 | Bong Joo Kang | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) / South Korea | Manipulation of Highly Nonlinear Organic Crystals for Efficient Optical-to-THz Conversion | Poster |
S03 | Evgeny Viktorovich Moiseenko | Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | "Temperature variation in the process of terahertz wave generation by intense laser pulses " | Poster |
S03 | Sergey Alexandrovich Sychugin | University of Nizhny Novgorod / Russia | Generation of DC fields ahead of ultrashort laser pulses in electro-optic crystals | Poster |
S03 | Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudin | Laboratory of Optical Crystals, Tomsk / Russia | Generation of broadband terahertz radiation in ZnGeP2 by optical rectification | Poster |
S03 | Nikolai Nikolaevich Yudin | National Research Tomsk State University / Russia | Generation of terahertz radiation on the difference frequency in Zngep2 | Poster |
S03 | Alexander A. Silaev | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | "Quantum-mechanical simulations of low-frequency current excitation during ionization of many-electron atoms by intense laser pulses " | Poster |
S03 | Osovitskaya Irina Vladimirovna | Institute of Applied Phyisics, Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | Interplay effects of carrier-envelope phase and plasmon resonances in terahertz generation by ionizing ultrashort optical pulses | Poster |
S04 | Alexander A. Andronov | Institute for Physics of Microstructures RAS / Russia | THz Quantum Cascade Laser cavities emission beams and losses | Poster |
S05 | Valery Koshelets | Kotel'nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics RAS / Russia | Spectral measurements of THz radiation emitted from intrinsic Josephson junction stacks | Poster |
S05 | Maxim Philippov | LPI RAS / RUSSIA | Future scientific experiment “SUN-TERAGERZ" | Poster |
S05 | Ivan Tretyakov | Moscow State Pedagogical University / Россия | Technology for NbN HEB based multipixel matrix of THz range | Poster |
S05 | Andrey Trifonov | Moscow State Pedagogical University / Russia | Geometry dependence of IF bandwidth performance of NbN HEB mixers integrated with GaN acoustic matching layer. | Poster |
S05 | Grigory Yakopov | Специальная астрофизическая обсерватория Российской академии наук / russia | Characterization of SubTHz planar antennas with SINIS bolometers for optical 6 meter reflector BTA | Poster |
S05 | Vsevolod Belosevich | MIPT / Russia | Response of carbon nanotube film transistor to the THz radiation | Poster |
S05 | Tatyana Igorevna Novikova | Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russia | Temperature dependence of signal spectra generated via spontaneous parametric down-conversion in strongly frequency non-degenerate regime | Poster |
S05 | Alexander Shugurov | University of Nizhny Novgorod / Russia | Terahertz pulse detection by direct intensity modulation of the probe laser beam in GaAs | Poster |
S06 | Valeria Dmitryevna Kukotenko | Budker institute of nuclear physics / Russia | One color pump-probe setup at the NovoFEL facility for measurements of carrier relaxation processes in semiconductors | Poster |
S06 | Robert David Dawson | Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research / Germany | Closing the terahertz gap: a composite approach toward measuring continuous dielectric functions from microwave to visible wavelengths | Poster |
S06 | Petr Sergeevich Demchenko | ITMO University / Russian | Study of influence of densification on control of conductivity and spectral characteristics of thin films of carbon nanotubes in terahertz frequency range | Poster |
S06 | Daniel Gomon | ITMO University / Russia | Absorbance of oxipane material in THz frequency range. | Poster |
S06 | Kirill Kuznetsov | M.V. Lomoosov Moscow State University / Russia | Generation of terahertz pulses from the island films of topological insulator Bi2-xSbxTe3-ySey | Poster |
S06 | Ivan Andreevich Tzibizov | Tydex LLC / Russian Federation | Investigation of the properties of a 3-level broadband antireflective structure on silicon by THz time-domain spectroscopy. | Poster |
S06 | Arsenii Alekseevich Gavdush | Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, 119991, Russia / Russia | Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy of astrophysical ice analogs: A pilot study | Poster |
S06 | Alexander Grebenchukov | ITMO University / Russia | Terahertz spectroscopy of graphene-based materials on different substrates under external infrared optical pumping | Poster |
S06 | Egor Aleksandrovich Litvinov | ITMO University / Russia | Aligned planar-wire zero-index metamaterial for terahertz frequency range | Poster |
S06 | Ekaterina Malkova | Lomonosov Moscow State University / Russia | Nonlinear quantum interferometry in terahertz spectroscopy | Poster |
S06 | Maxim S Masyukov | ITMO University / Russia | Geometry impact on polarizing properties of terahertz chiral metasurface | Poster |
S06 | Yuriy Sergeev | Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Terahertz induced optical second harmonic generation from silicon surface | Poster |
S06 | Tatyana Krapivnitskaia | Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | Pulsed magnets with high field intensity for laser-plasma experiments and TDS spectroscopy | Poster |
S06 | Andrey Mikhailovich Malkin | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Россия | Terahertz Range Surface-Wave Bragg Resonators with Optimized Ratio between Ohmic and Radiative Losses | Poster |
S06 | Evgeny Aleksandrovich Serov | Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Russia | Ceramic materials for microwave applications | Poster |
S07 | Natalya Osintseva | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk / Russia | Vector and mixed beams with orbital angular momentum | Poster |
S08 | Dmitriy Valentinovich Yanin | Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS) / Russian Federation | Subsurface diagnostics of quasi-one-dimensional inhomogeneities using the method of near-field microwave sounding | Poster |
S08 | Dmitriy Valentinovich Yanin | Federal Research Center Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS) / Russian Federation | Diagnostics of of biological tissues by methods of near-field microwave - sounding | Poster |
S08 | Oleg Kameshkov | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics RAS & Novosibirsk State University / Russia | Generation of vortex beamlet lattices via diffraction of Bessel vortex beams on 2D hole arrays: analytical and numerical calculations and comparison with experiments | Poster |
S08 | Andrew Kimovich Martusevich | Research Medical University of Volga region / Russia | Microwave imaging of skin damage at experimental burns | Poster |
S08 | Andrew Kimovich Martusevich | Research Medical University of Volga region / Russia | Diagnostic value of microwave imaging of dielectric tissues properties in patients with Dupuitren disease | Poster |
S09 | Grigoriy Bubnov | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | Svalbard astroclimate research: expedition and first results. | Poster |
S09 | Ilya Viktorovich Lesnov | Institute of Applied Physics RAS / Russia | Investigation of the influence of the location on the rate of Sub THz space communications channels | Poster |
S09 | Kamil Abdikerimovich Moldosanov | Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, Bishkek / Kyrgyzstan | Two-phonon scheme of generating soft terahertz radiation by gold nanobars for detection of hidden objects | Poster |
S09 | Gleb Katyba | (1) Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, 142432, Russia (2) Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, 105005, Russia (3) Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Moscow, 119991, Russia (4) Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec H3T 1J4, Canada / Russia | Microstructures sapphire shaped crystals for anitiresonant and bandgap terahertz waveguiding | Poster |
S10 | Arina Alexandrovna Avseenko | ITMO University / Russia | Definition of thresholds of the heating effects of THz radiation on cancer cells. | Poster |
S10 | Vasyl Denysenkov | Goethe University Frankfurt / Germany | COMPACT DNP POLARIZER FOR MRI APPLICATIONS AT 1.5 TESLA | Poster |
S10 | Ida Leonidovna Kublanova | ITMO University / Russia | The research method of a qualitative analysis of the composition of the blood in the terahertz frequency range. | Poster |
S10 | Vladimir Alekseevich Anfertev | IPM RAS / Russia | Application of high resolution subTHz spectroscopy methods for analysing the content of grain odors | Poster |
S10 | Sviatoslav Igorevich Gusev | ITMO University / Russian Federation | Investigation of interaction of THz radiation with blood components for diabetes mellitus diagnostics | Poster |
S10 | Anna Semenova | IPM RAS / Russia | THz absorption spectra of glucoze and its polimers | Poster |
S10 | Tianmiao Zhang | ITMO University / Russia | Study of PVC-based Skin Phantom with graphite particles in Terahertz Frequency Range | Poster |
S10 | Marina Vladimirovna Presnyakova | Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation / Russia | Study of biochemical and hemostasiological parameters under the influence of low-intensity microwave noise radiation | Poster |
S10 | Anna Gennadevna Soloveva | Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Privolzhsky Research Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation / Russian Federation | The influence of terahertz radiation on biochemical metabolism of blood in the experiment | Poster |
S10 | Mariya Glyavina | Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod / Russian Federation; Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod / Russian Federation | Morphological analysis of microglia in early postischemic period in the mouse local cerebral ischemia | Poster |
The Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences today is one of the largest institutions in the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences and occupies the leading positions in a variety of fields in modern physics.
At present, BINP SB RAS is the largest academic institute of the Russian Federation, and one of the world's leading research centers in the field of elementary particle physics, accelerator physics and technology, synchrotron radiation sources, free electron lasers, high-temperature plasma physics, and controlled thermonuclear fusion.
Lomonosov Moscow State University is a coeducational and public research university located in Moscow, Russia. It was founded on January 25, 1755 by Mikhail Lomonosov. It houses the tallest educational building in the world. Among universities from BRIC-countries and emerging economies, it has one of the best reputations.
GYCOM Ltd. was established in 1992 by Russian experts working in the fields of plasma physics and development and manufacture of super-power vacuum microwave devices on the basis of IAP RAS and several Russian electronic-industry enterprises in Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow.
Tydex is a private company founded in 1994 in St. Petersburg, the optics "heart" of Russia, by former scientists from the Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The company specializes in custom manufacturing of optical components and instruments for research and the industry, including spectroscopy, pyrometry and thermography, THz photonics, sensors and detectors, metrology, lasers, and more.
Keysight Technologies Inc. is the world's leading electronic measurement company, transforming today's measurement experience through innovations in wireless, modular, and software solutions. Keysight delivers solutions in wireless communications, aerospace and defense and semiconductor markets with world-class platforms, software and consistent measurement science.
Keysight's singular focus on measurement helps scientists, researchers and engineers address their toughest challenges with precision and confidence. With the help of our products and services, they are better able to deliver the breakthroughs that make a measurable difference.
Keysight Technologies' legacy includes the original Hewlett-Packard business founded in 1939 by Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, which spun off with Agilent Technologies in 1999. On Sept. 19, 2013, Agilent announced plans to separate into two publicly traded companies through a tax-free spinoff of its electronic measurement business. The new company, Keysight Technologies, began trading on the NYSE under the symbol KEYS on November 3,2014.
OES Specpostavka is a specialized distributor of electronic components, microwave and HF components, measurement and optical equipment, photonics. Line-card of optics and photonics includes laboratory equipment, components for fiber lasers, communication, microwave photonics, plug and play laser systems, measurement and test equipment.
Registration Type | Early (before September 10) | Late (after September 10) |
Regular | 200 USD or 170 EUR | 250 USD or 210 EUR |
Student | 100 USD or 85 EUR | 150 USD or 125 EUR |
Sponsor & Exhibitor | Please contact organizing committee: tera2018@ipfran.ru | |
Additional Banquet Ticket | 30 USD or 25 EUR | |
Для российских участников | ||
Обычный участник | 12500 руб. | 16000 руб. |
Студент/аспирант | 6500 руб. | 9500 руб. |
Дополнительный билет на банкет | 2000 руб. |
Registration fee includes conference materials, lunches, coffee breaks, excursion, and banquet ticket for one person. It does not include any other meals or lodging costs.
All presenting authors must pay registration fee and are limited to present no more than two papers in oral and/or poster sessions. It is planned to publish the synopses of the Conference in the EPJ Web of Conferences, which is an open-access journal for conference proceedings publishing indexed in major scientific databases. For more information on the journal, please visit http://www.epj-conferences.org/.
The conference fees should be transferred to the following bank account: For transfers in Euro: Beneficiary "Gycom" Ltd. Address: 46 Ulyanov Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603155, RUSSIA Account 40702978300001000008 Bank of Beneficiary: Commercial Bank “Assotsiatsiya”, SWIFT code: ASOJRU2N 61 Gorky Street, 603000 Nizhny Novgorod, RUSSIA via account 0104328398 EUR with VTB BANK (DEUTSCHLAND) AG, Frankfurt/Main, Germany. SWIFT code: OWHBDEFF
For transfers in USD: Beneficiary "Gycom" Ltd. Address: 46 Ulyanov Street, Nizhny Novgorod, 603155, RUSSIA Account 40702840700001000008 Bank of Beneficiary: Commercial Bank “Assotsiatsiya”, Bank address: 61 Gorky Street, 603000 Nizhny Novgorod, RUSSIA SWIFT code: ASOJRU2N via account 0104328414 USD with VTB BANK (DEUTSCHLAND) AG, Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
The payment should be noted as tied up payment for the Conf. “TERA-2018” . Make sure that the transfer request shows name of the participant and of the organization.
Для российских участников: ЗАО НПП «Гиком» Адрес: 603155, Н. Новгород, ул. Ульянова, 46 ИНН 5260004824 / КПП 526001001 р/с № 40702810500000000048 в АО КБ «Ассоциация» г. Н. Новгород БИК 042282751 к/с 30101810100000000751
Информация для участников из российских организаций: Еси Вы хотите, чтобы Ваши тезисы были опубикованы в журнале EPJ Web of Conferences, то Вам необходимо прислать разрешение на публикацию от соответствующей организации не позднее 30 октября на электронную почту оргкомитета конференции tera2018@ipfran.ru.
Contributed papers for oral and poster presentations will be selected by reviewing short abstracts (up to 500 symbols long).
Presentations must be uploaded from a USB drive to the laptop in the session room prior to the beginning of your session.
Due to the tight schedule, please note that speakers are discouraged from using their own laptops. If they wish to do so, any delay in time will be at the expense of the speaker's time slot. If a talk is not uploaded in a timely manner, the Session Chair will have the option to replace it with a backup talk to ensure session continuity.
Only PowerPoint presentations (.ppt, .pptx) and Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf) will be accepted, as the available software includes Microsoft Office and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
A computer, projector, laser pointer, slide advancer, and microphone will be available in each oral session room. Audio Visual Technicians will be available to provide technical support.
Time blocks for talks are as follows:
Poster boards provided at the venue are 100 cm wide and 120 cm high, suitable for size A1 landscape and & portrait and A0 portrait. Material to mount your poster will be available at poster halls.
Posters should be posted before the session starts and taken down after the session ends. The poster presenter is expected to remain at the poster during the poster session. In all cases, posters left on the boards "unattended" at the end of session will be disposed of and not returned to the author.
Please note that in order to give your presentation, you or one of your co-authors must be a registered conference attendee.
The conference sessions will be held on October 22 - 25, 2018 in conference halls of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IAP RAS).
IMPORTANT: Please send the first page of your passport to tera2018@ipfran.ru no later than September 10 in order to issue a pass to IAP RAS. It will be impossible just before or during the conference!
VISA APPLICATION: If you are going to apply for a Russian visa, please send us the filled questionnaire.
Institute of Applied Physics RAS was established on the basis of several divisions of the Radiophysical Research Institute (RRI) of the Ministry of Higher Education of the Russian Federation in April 1977 an today it is one of the largest institutions in the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences and occupies the leading positions in a variety of fields in modern physics. The IAP RAS was conceived and created as a multipurpose institution combining basic and applied research in the field of plasma physics, high-power electronics, physics of the atmosphere, hydrophysics, and quantum electronics.
Address: 46 Ulyanov Street · 603950 · Nizhny Novgorod · Russia Click here to see the map...
The conference will run from Monday, October 22 through Thursday, October 25 (end of the technical program). The registration opens at 9:00. The technical programs starts on Monday, October 22 at 14:00.
The organizers can recommend the following hotels located within walking distance from the conference venue:
26 Bolshaya Pecherskaya street · 5th floor · Nizhny Novgorod · 603000 · Russia
Reception (24/7): +7 (831) 435-25-45
E-mail: info@diplomat-hotel.ru
115 Gorkogo Street · Nizhny Novgorod · 603000 · Russia
Reception (24/7): +7 (831) 233-11-00
E-mail: h7134-RE@accor.com
9a Verkhne-Volzhskaya Embankment · Nizhny Novgorod · 603005 · Russia
Reception (24/7): +7 (831) 432-80-80
E-mail: reception@oktyabrskaya.ru
252 Gorkogo Street · Nizhny Novgorod · 603000 · Russia
Reception (24/7): +7 (831) 422-31-50
E-mail: GOJNN_Hampton@hilton.com
36a Bolshaya Pecherskaya street · Nizhny Novgorod · 603155 · Russia Reception: +7 (831) 436-59-45, +7 (831) 436-02-23 See the Flyer...
Nizhny Novgorod is a city in the administrative center (capital) of Volga Federal District and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast in Russia. From 1932 to 1990, it was known as Gorky after the writer Maxim Gorky, who was born there. The city is an important economic, transportation, scientific, educational and cultural center in Russia and the vast Volga-Vyatka economic region, and is the main center of river tourism in Russia. In the historic part of the city there is a large number of universities, theaters, museums and churches. Nizhny Novgorod is located about 400 km east of Moscow, where the Oka empties into the Volga.
The city was founded in 1221 by Prince Yuri II of Vladimir. In 1612 Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky organized an army for the liberation of Moscow from the Poles. In 1817 Nizhny Novgorod became a great trade center of the Russian Empire. In 1896 at a fair, an All-Russia Exhibition was organized. During the Soviet period, the city turned into an important industrial center. In particular, the Gorky Automobile Plant was constructed in this period. Then the city was given the nickname "Russian Detroit". During World War II, Gorky became the biggest provider of military equipment to the front. Due to this, the Luftwaffe constantly bombed the city from the air. The majority of the German bombs fell in the area of the Gorky Automobile Plant. Although almost all the production sites of the plant were completely destroyed, the citizens of Gorky reconstructed the factory after 100 days.
After the war, Gorky became a "closed city" and remained one until after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1990. At that time, the city was renamed Nizhny Novgorod once again. In 1985, the metro was opened. The Kremlin – the main center of the city – contains the main government agencies of the city and the Volga Federal District.